Una de mis compañeras del Monroe Institute me hizo una entrevista (van a ser varias partes), en la que cuento como de una vida lejana a la espiritualidad y sanación, me transformé en sanadora y toda mi vida dio un giro de 360º.
Cari Palmer es escritora y tiene un programa de radio en Estados Unidos, así que la conversación es muy amena. Entrevista sin filtros, genuina y llena de anécdotas empapadas en el humor.
¡Que los disfrutéis!
By way of the opera, this incredible story will take you down the path as walked by Maria Elena Mexia. Coming from no spiritual background whatsoever, over time, following guidance, she has become one of the most incredible healers on this planet. Part one will set us up for the remarkable conclusion to be released next week.
In our second video, you will learn much more about this multi-faceted woman, Maria Elena Mexia (who I also learned is a hypnotherapist. 😳). Her disbelief in what was going on, and her great sense of humor, remind me that she is just like me. A woman going about her merry way when poof, she found herself spiraling down a path she couldn’t know was a reality. She became a gifted and unique healer, creating her own individual style. Reluctantly following this crazy guidance, she begins to channel people who have crossed over, then great masters, then Jesus himself. When God comes to call… that is another story. In our next gathering, we will talk about her methods of healing.
In this episode, part one of two, Maria Elena breaks down in detail her methods of healing. She dives deep into each of the four modules and shares what to expect with each one. She explains the evolutionary processes, talks about our fragments, Holy Sacred Dreams, our veil of programming, and so much more. Another must-see video with this amazing soul.
In part two, Maria Elena dives deep into her connection to God. «The Boss.» She questions why we accept things that we didn’t experience. Think about it? We believe what others have gone through, and then we trust that it is our truth. This is how belief systems get locked in. So much packed into these 43 minutes, including, a very scary story. Make sure you are ready to hear it. It will alter your perception.
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Maria Elena es un canal maravilloso además de ser un ser humano excepcional , de verdad tengo una gratitud infinita por toda la ayuda y soporte que le ha dado a mi esposo durante un proceso muy duro en nuestras vida y por el soporte y acompañamiento lleno de amor que me ha dado por meses . Definitivamente cada día Maria Elena está más preparada y más conectada para dar terapias y ayudarnos a aclarar nuestros propósitos y encontrar paz en medio de las experiencias que estemos viviendo.
Gracias Gaby, abrazo fuerteeeeee!!!!
Loved this! Thank you for maElena. I see you. Love, SiSTAR Donna Jeanne
Thanks Donna!